Presentations talks, guest lectures, posters, theses


Poster - "Multi-omic spatial data integration resolves immunometabolic heterogeneity associated with Nivolumab response in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients" SITC 2024, Houston, TX.

Poster - "Towards a Cultural Shift: Understanding and Fostering Open Science Adoption Among Graduate Students" NSF Innovations in Graduate Education PI Meeting, National Science Foundation.


Poster - "Walking the Motion Manifold of Toxoplasma gondii in 4D." Computer Science Research Day, University of Georgia.

Thesis - "Deep Representation Learning of Mitochondrial Dynamics"
R. Mattson.
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Dissertation - "Investigating ACE2 Localization in Respiratory Cilia and Characterizing Cilia Motion Phenotypes"
C. Li.
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Thesis - "Cilia Segmentation Using U-Net with Gabor Filter"
C. Li.
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Thesis - "Incorporating task-agnostic information in task-based active learning using a variational autoencoder"
C. Godwin.
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Poster - "Variational Autoencoders for semi-supervised deep metric learning" SciPy 2022.
N. Safir, M. Zain, C. Godwin, E. Miller, I. Humphrey, and S. Quinn.

Thesis - "Variational Autoencoders for semi-supervised deep metric learning"
N. Safir.

Dissertation - "Modeling and analysis of mitochondrial dynamics using dynamic social network graphs"
M. Hill.


Dissertation - "SUBMiT: Scalable Unsupervised Biomedical Motion Tracking"
M. Fazli.
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Thesis - "Graph-based classification of mitochondrial morphologies"
N. Pulagam.

Poster - "Merging Metric Learning with Variational Autoencoders for Representation Learning of Semi-Supervised Data." CURO Symposium, University of Georgia.
N. Safir and S. Quinn.

Poster - "Deep Clustering Methods for Subtyping Parkinson’s Disease." CURO Symposium, University of Georgia.
H. Yadav and S. Quinn.

Poster - "Biosurveillance and Disease Monitoring through Temporal Word Embeddings of Tweets." CURO Symposium, University of Georgia.
I. Mo and S. Quinn.


Poster - "Parkinson's Disease Biomarkers: A Deep Learning Based Neuroimage Analysis." CURO Symposium, University of Georgia.
H. Yadav and S. Quinn.

Poster - "An Unsupervised Approach to Characterizing Ciliary Motion." CURO Symposium, University of Georgia.
N. Safir and S. Quinn.

Poster - "Unsupervised Spatiotemporal Representation of Cilia Video Using A Modular Generative Pipeline." CURO Symposium, University of Georgia.
M. Zain and S. Quinn.

Poster - "Unsupervised Spatiotemporal Representation of Cilia Video Using A Modular Generative Pipeline." Southern Data Science Conference (SDSC 2020), Atlanta, GA.
M. Zain, S. Rao, N. Safir, Q. Wyner, I. Humphrey, A. Eldridge, C. Li, B. AlAila, and S. Quinn.


Thesis - "Reproducibility in A.I. for biomedical research: An application to Parkinson's Disease"
C. McDaniel.

Thesis - "Cilia Segmentation in Medical Videos with Fourier Convolutional Neural Network"
W. Xu.
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Invited Presentation - "CiliaWeb: A quantitative measure of ciliary motion for translational biomedicine." Department of Developmental Biology Seminar, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

Poster - "Teaching ethical data science through real-world re-enactment." CTL Faculty Teaching Celebration and Luncheon, Georgia Museum of Art, Athens, GA.

Invited Presentation - "Parameterizing Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Biological Systems with Images (Or: How I Learned to Relax and Love Visual Change)." Department of Infectious Diseases Seminar, University of Georgia.

Thesis - "Modeling Diffuse Subcellular Protein Structures as Dynamic Social Networks"
A. Durden.
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Poster - "Scalable 3D Tracking and Clustering of Toxoplasma gondii Motion Phenotypes." Southern Big Data Hub All Hands, Atlanta, GA.

Dissertation - "Optimal Decision-Making in Mixed-Agent Partially Observable Stochastic Environments via Reinforcement Learning"
R. Ceren.


Poster - "Using SpatialDE to Characterize Spatiotemporal Changes in Mitochondrial Morphology." UGA Population Biology of Infectious Diseases Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), Athens, GA.
B. Dorsey, A. Durden,, A. Loy, B. Reaves, M. Fazli, F. D. Quinn, C. Chennubhotla, and S. Quinn.
[poster] [github]

Poster - "Dynamic Social Network Modeling of Diffuse Subcellular Morphologies." Southern Data Science Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Poster - "Stacked Neural Networks for Automated Ciliary Motion Analysis." IEEE ISBI. Washington, D.C.
C. Lu, M. Marx, C. Chennubhotla, M. Zahid, C. W. Lo, and S. Quinn.
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Poster - "Modeling the Motion of Toxoplasma gondii." Southern Data Science Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Invited Presentation - "Reproducible Segmentation of Not-Quite-Objects in Jupyter Notebooks." Jupyter Day, Atlanta, GA.

Invited Presentation - "UGA ACM Faculty Spotlight Talk: Python for Biomedical Imaging." UGA ACM, University of Georgia.

Poster - "Calcium Signaling and Motility of Toxoplasma gondii." São Paulo School for Advanced Science in Cell Biology, São Paulo, Brazil.


Thesis - "Generative spatiotemporal modeling of neutrophil behavior"
N. Pandhe.

Thesis - "Open source distributed spectral clustering"
A. Joshi.

Thesis - "Towards ciliary motion subtyping: representing patients as mixture of motion patterns"
A. Chennupati.

Invited Presentation - "Skill and Readiness of the Technical Informatics Workforce." Advancing Informatics in Government and Industry, University of Georgia.

Poster - "Computational Motility Tracking of Calcium Dynamics in Toxoplasma gondii." KDD Bigdas Workshop 2017, Halifax, Canada.

Invited Presentation - "Python for Public Health: Case Studies in Bioimaging." PyData ATL Meetup, Atlanta, GA.

Poster - "Calcium Signaling and Motility of Toxoplasma gondii." The 14th Toxoplasma gondii Research Community Biennial Meeting, Tomar, Portugal.

Poster - "Developing motion models of Toxoplasma gondii." Computer Science Research Day, University of Georgia.

Invited Presentation - "Python for Public Health: Case Studies in Bioimaging." Southern Data Science Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Invited Presentation - "UGA ACM: Machine Learning Workshop." UGA ACM, University of Georgia.

Poster - "Identification of Vaccine Misinformation Online." CURO Symposium, University of Georgia.
J. Waring and S. Quinn.
[poster] [github]

Poster - "Large-scale Analysis of Spatiotemporal Organellar Network Evolution." Quantitative Bioimaging Conference, Texas A&M.
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Thesis - "Tracking and quantifying negative content on social media"
M. Ranjan.

Thesis - "Large scale semi-supervised learning"
M. Gadgil.

Poster - "Data Science for Public Health." Georgia Informatics Symposium, University of Georgia.

Poster - "Ca2+ Signaling and Motility in Toxoplasma gondii." Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Marine Biological Laboratory.
[poster] [abstracts]

Poster - "Mining Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Trends in Social Media." Southern Translational Education and Research (STaR) Conference, University of Georgia.

Presentation - "Python for Public Health: Building Statistical Models of Ciliary Motion." PyCon 2016, Portland, OR.
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Presentation - "Dr. Twitter: The Logistics of Practical Disease Surveillance with Social Media." International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), IEEE EMBS, Las Vegas, NV.

Presentation - "Scaling Unsupervised Ciliary Motion Analysis for Actionable Biomedical Insights with PySpark." Spark Summit East, New York, NY.
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Poster - "Unsupervised discovery and definition of latent ciliary beat patterns." IOB Big Data Challenges in Life Sciences, University of Georgia.

Presentation - "Towards a Quantitative Definition of Ciliary Motion Phenotypes." Southern Translational and Education Research (STaR) Conference, University of Georgia.

Invited Presentation - "Distributed Spectral Graph Methods for Analyzing Large-Scale Unstructured Biomedical Data." Institute of Bioinformatics Seminar Series, University of Georgia.

Invited Presentation - "Advanced Computing Infrastructure for Biomedical Imaging." ORNL Biomedical Science and Engineering Conference, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.


Presentation - "Distributed Spectral Graph Methods for Analyzing Large-Scale Unstructured Biomedical Data." Ph.D. Thesis Defense, University of Pittsburgh.




Presentation - "Dr. Mahout: Analyzing clinical data using scalable and distributed computing." ApacheCon NA, Vancouver, BC, Canada.